
Rebuild and Reborn

Sometimes I make myself believe I'm not able to create things with my own hands anymore. I've been working for so long behind my computer that I forget the magical feeling of shaping something, creating a lovely box from a piece of paper or ironing prints into fabric, I don't do those things as often as I used to.

I found this gorgeous episode from a talented group of women, Spruce Upholstery, they are launching a tv pilot and I loved it. They rebuild furniture into unique amazing pieces, when they explain some of the process in this video they tell how we can preserve some old structures and give them a new look. For me this is kind of a motivational profession, as you need a lot of patience and dedication into one piece at the time, so inspirational.

I truly enjoyed this videos, made me want to sew, lets hope I can manage to stick to this task and do it.

Process: Upholstery with Spruce Home from Etsy on Vimeo.

Via Design Sponge

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