

At this hard times we are reminded of the strength of our relationships. Changes are affecting our life, this economic phase is really shaking things up. For me all of this becomes a challenge, as my father survived one of the most hard crisis in Mexican history, he did it remarkably and emerged a wiser much stronger man.

He's now enjoying some of his life effort and he does it with such joy. So for us as family it is a lesson to follow.

As I keep cutting budget in supplies, and sadly fashion, I found a way to keep getting some things, trade. In change for some extra work I traded a couple of things with some clients-friends.

Through this new kind of currency I got this baby, my old iMac, the one I used in one of the agencies I worked.

While working today I found this song via Floddertje. I kept playing it while I wrote this. Cute.

Crochet by Dom Mino'

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