
Kitchen Aid

I have a tiny kitchen, cooking and keeping it clean is quite a task. The space is like a square, where husband put a movable island on the center, so we could store things and use the top for cutting and mixing.

Since my parents are coming I decided to make little improvements, my idea was to change the curtains (I put this gorgeous emma jeffs window film instead) and the island. I saw a very small one in ikea, I thought of putting two of this, the thing I love the most is that I can move them pretty easy.

The plans of purchasing the islands are on "hold" because of some changes in the family budget (for decoration). I'm ready for a little trip to ikea, once I save the money for it. Since this two islands don't have doors, I bought some cute jars to make the storage a little more easy on the eye.

1. Stenstorp Island €129,00.
2. Celeber Jars with lid €6,99 / €7,99.
3. Store Jar (Large) €15,00.
4. Sook Jar with lid €12,00.

Photo: Elli O.

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