Kitchen Aid
I have a tiny kitchen, cooking and keeping it clean is quite a task. The space is like a square, where husband put a movable island on the center, so we could store things and use the top for cutting and mixing.
Since my parents are coming I decided to make little improvements, my idea was to change the curtains (I put this gorgeous emma jeffs window film instead) and the island. I saw a very small one in ikea, I thought of putting two of this, the thing I love the most is that I can move them pretty easy.
The plans of purchasing the islands are on "hold" because of some changes in the family budget (for decoration). I'm ready for a little trip to ikea, once I save the money for it. Since this two islands don't have doors, I bought some cute jars to make the storage a little more easy on the eye.
1. Stenstorp Island €129,00.
2. Celeber Jars with lid €6,99 / €7,99.
3. Store Jar (Large) €15,00.
4. Sook Jar with lid €12,00.
Photo: Elli O.
The voice of movement
How amazing is to see this kind of advertising. Exquisite aesthetic, music, photography and my favorite of all, dance. Since my beloved friend Ivette is a dancer I've been able to enjoy and learn a lot about this discipline, but for me the most amazing thing is how through movements we are able to "hear", sort of speak, a story.
Dance is one of my favorite arts, because all of the dedication and work it takes. As in some things in life, you really have to be committed to it in order to succeed. I believe that many things in life should be as strict as this, for me family is my discipline, not losing focus, and "dance" everyday through the education, raise of my child and support of my family.
The ad is for Airfrance, by the agency BETC Euro RSCG. Produced & choreographed by Angelin Preljocaj. Dancers: Benjamin Millepied (Black Swan) and Virginie Caussin. Photography: Stéphane Fontaine and Angelin Preljocaj. Music: Adagio du concerto pour piano n° 23 de Mozart performed by pianist
Vanessa Wagner and Les Siècles orchestra directed by François-Xavier Roth.
Via BlackEiffel
Braid my friend
Rain season is almost here (actually I'm not sure it ever left) so I like to always be prepared. In this case not only with a rain outfit (wellies & cute raincoat checked!) but with a hairstyle too. The beauty department posted a cool video of a braid style.
Even though I haven't been able to precisely make this kind of braid, I'm happy with the results, and I think that the look works for me. My hair is pretty thick so I just make a lttle braid (two or three interlaces) and leave the rest as a ponytail.
What I love about this look is that I can use it on rainy days without worrying about humidity. If there's wind I can add a lovely hat and still works. Still working on it, but looks good!.
Even though I haven't been able to precisely make this kind of braid, I'm happy with the results, and I think that the look works for me. My hair is pretty thick so I just make a lttle braid (two or three interlaces) and leave the rest as a ponytail.
What I love about this look is that I can use it on rainy days without worrying about humidity. If there's wind I can add a lovely hat and still works. Still working on it, but looks good!.
photo: feline-fangs.tumblr.com
This photo is a perfect statement of what I consider a beautiful project. The whole set seems like and amazing journey, from picking the furniture, building the room, but mostly the model and her position. For what I can see it seems they captured her right after splashing into the sort of say "pool".
For me rigtht now, what I take from this image is a goal, I'd love to do something like this for a living, work hard in creating an atmosphere. Then evoke a reaction, for me is a portrait of a comfortable self, you get deep and enjoy it, but it's just for a moment, there's a force of nature that makes you go up, out of this beautiful and perfect place, and breathe.
That's life, lovely.
Via the beauty department.
This photo is a perfect statement of what I consider a beautiful project. The whole set seems like and amazing journey, from picking the furniture, building the room, but mostly the model and her position. For what I can see it seems they captured her right after splashing into the sort of say "pool".
For me rigtht now, what I take from this image is a goal, I'd love to do something like this for a living, work hard in creating an atmosphere. Then evoke a reaction, for me is a portrait of a comfortable self, you get deep and enjoy it, but it's just for a moment, there's a force of nature that makes you go up, out of this beautiful and perfect place, and breathe.
That's life, lovely.
Via the beauty department.
All you have to do is ask
I like to make my meetings nice and warm. Working on projects that have to do with identity often become very personal for clients. So the first step into creating a proper ambient for potential clients was to set a nice studio. In this economy, my chances of building a studio that I liked were very few, so I made a two in one project and redecorated our living room and used a little space for the studio. That way I could manage to take Ander to school, clean and cook and dedicate 5 hours straight a day strictly to work.
So, for meetings I created what I called the "Ask Sessions". I invite my clients for a little conversation. Part of some sessions are breakfasts (I make pancakes) and cappuccinos, it depends on the availability and time. One of my friends-clients just loves to talk about projects at my studio-living room, we even sit on the floor and share ideas.
Ask Sessions for clients:
1. I offer a variety of cool and hot drinks. For this I bought a Dolce Gusto coffee machine and I have to say I love it!. I have a set of super cute cups for the ask sessions, I make sure to have little details like a tag in the napkin, I show the love in every way I can. (this drives husband a little crazy, but I just can't help it).
2. I give them a luxury pencil (that's how I named them, they are just so chic!) and a notebook, if we are gonna discuss or draw ideas, better make it in a cute way.
3. I make sure there's a little music. Often play Jònsi, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Sara Bareilles, Hans Zimmer, Air, …need ambient not disco fever.
I have to be honest, sometimes I have sessions at 8 pm. or even later! some of my clients are other independent professionals, so I try to make myself available to their schedules.
Photo: ©Elli O.
Pequeños cambios
31Mil Retratos por la Paz from Diego Huerta on Vimeo.
Pero constantes. Esta frase la escuché hace unos meses en una entrevista que Diego Huerta hizo explicando el porqué de su iniciativa.El proyecto: 31K Retratos por la Paz. La causa: La Paz en México. Nuestro país, en concreto Monterrey vive actualmente una etapa de violencia sin límites. Como sociedad es el momento de actuar, mostrar que nos importa esta situación, mostrar que la paz es posible si juntos intentamos un cambio.
Diego y Dany llevan casi un año retratando a mexicanos con una paloma de papel. "La Huasteca", como ha sido bautizada, ha estado en las manos de ya casi 20,000 personas, que quieren la paz.
Desde el momento en el que vi una foto de 31K en facebook, me emocioné, por la imagen tan preciosa, por los rostros, porque me vi en cada uno de ellos, porque amo a Monterrey y porque creo que no es imposible lograr un cambio.
Era un domingo por la tarde, le escribí a Dany de la misma y en un momento recibí su respuesta, el proyecto se basa en los retratos con lo que era necesario que para colaborar pudiera contar con un fotógrafo. Le escribí a mi amigo Lucho Rengifo, y poco antes de madianoche, vi su respuesta, estaba muy entusiasmado y aceptó gustosamente el reto.
Como parte de esta iniciativa por la paz nos ha llegado al país vasco "La Zapoteca". Nos la han mandado desde Alemania, para ser retratada durante septiembre, para luego volar a París hacia un capítulo más de su viaje por Europa.
¿Te animas a hacerte una foto?
Little Totems
Here's a list of mine. My little treasures with special meaning, I keep them in my studio as part of my inspirational atmosphere. Each object has been picked or given to me in very special and random circumstances, but always at the moment I needed.
1. A printed edition of the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. I found it in a London Bookshop on a rainy day.
2. A sign with the word desiderata. My lovely friend Ivette asked her brother to make this for me on his workshop, as I told her that for me that poem has been a lifesaver. Thank you love.
3. Yoshimi Kimmidoll. I picked her randomly and coincidentally she expresses respect.
4. Keri Smith's Living Out Loud Book, it keeps me playing and drawing my dreams.
5. Fairy, this little one was a gift from my husband, from one of his business trips to Galicia.
6. Crystal Pencils. Colorful and beautiful pencils for writing special words for loved ones.
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